Streamline Technologies
Creators of interconnected channel and pond routing stormwater modeling (StormWise) and real-time flood forecasting (FloodWise) software suites
Venture Overview
Interconnected Stormwater Modeling + Flood Forecasting
Streamline is nationally recognized for its flagship water-monitoring software, “StormWise” (Previously ICPR4). StormWise began as a 1D hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) model with a focus on modeling hydraulically interconnected and interdependent pond systems. The latest generation of StormWise now includes both 1D H&H and fully integrated 2D surface water, as well as groundwater flow with an emphasis on interactions between surficial aquifer systems and surface water bodies.

With Streamline Technologies’ new FloodWise model (Previously Real-Time Flood Forecasting or RTFF), we now have the ability to more accurately predict flooding several days in advance at the street and house level. Our model allows us to determine where flooding will occur, how extensive it will be, and the flood duration.
With FloodWise, municipalities and governments will be able to transition from a wait-and-see reactive posture into a more proactive approach. At the end of the day, saving lives and money.